Monday, July 17, 2006

Might as well play, I guess

I was planning on working on my '68 after work today. I got in a couple days on it last week and left off needing a brake tool that I happened to have back at my place, not where the '68 is. Low and behold, I forgot to bring it with me today. So I can't make any progress on the car.

Those who like to interpret things like this might say that I sabotaged myself because I didn't really want to do it today. That may be so but it is Monday and what else is there to do? Hmmm. I guess I could go down to Commerce. Even if its dead there, I could still get in a little bit of action which I have been lacking as of late.

I've only played live twice in the last week and a half. And I've been running sort of bad...card dead. I can handle that, though. I think I've been playing really well even without cards. Right now, I just need to get out and throw some cards and chips around. It feels good once I'm there. I let the clock and the outside world go and focus on the task at hand. Win or lose, it seems like the right place to be.

You know what I mean?


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